40 Days | Understanding the Kingdom of God | Day 32 | Apostle Christopher Vincent Kobane

"... He presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." Acts 1:3
If you would like to increase and deepen your knowledge, to get a clearer understanding of the Kingdom of God:
● What it is ● How it operates ● How it is to find expression through you here on earth (and more);
We invite you to join us on a 40 Day Journey - Understanding the Kingdom of God.
The sessions will be streamed Live on Facebook and YouTube at 9pm daily from 01 March - 09 April 2024.
If the Kingdom of God is to find expression, take over and rule on earth, those who carry it must know and understand what it is.
#TheKingdomOfGod #TheSupernatural #KingsAndPriests
(We do not own the rights to the music).
Bondage Challenges
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