Why Did God Allow Satan to Challenge Job and Jesus?

Why in the world did God give Satan the time of day at Job's expense, and why did Jesus talk to Satan in the desert? In this video, Frank highlights some of the possible reasons that God has occasionally chosen to interact with Satan. SPOILER ALERT: God knows what He's doing.

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Why does God allow Bad Things to Happen to Good People? DVD????????https://bit.ly/3yu2EFW, and mp4 Download????????https://bit.ly/3btlKTf by Frank Turek

Blog: Why Did God Create Satan Knowing that Satan Would Cause Evil? by Rajkumar Richard ???????? https://crossexamined.org/why-did-god-create-satan-knowing-that-satan-would-cause-evil/

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#Job #Jesus #Suffering #God #Temptation #Theology #Christianity
Bondage Challenges
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