Rice water benefits for skin | rice water challenge for skin

Hello Everyone ,
do u wanna know rice water benefits for skin
Rice water benefits for skin | rice water challenge for skin
Recent research has shown that rice water is packed with tons of nutrients that may be beneficial for skin and hair health and have benefits for skin .
When used as a final rinse after washing hair, rice water reduces friction and frizziness it also very good for skin benefits . these are the rice water benefits for skin and hair
The inositol carbohydrate present in rice water reduces damage in chemically treated hair.
Special imaging techniques on the scalp have shown that this inositol stays inside the hair shaft after rinsing, providing strength and structural bondage to damaged hair.
As stated before, fermented rice water is rich in vitamins such as antioxidants, vitamin B, biotin, vitamin E and yeast called Pitera it is very helpful for skin .
Pitera has been used as an anti-aging elixir in Asia for centuries. This natural ingredient promotes cell regeneration and helps the skin remain youthful and elastic.
The vitamin E content of rice water also packs in a punch for anti-aging and skin brightening these are the rice water benefits for skin

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